Foot & Ankle Surgery located in Fort Worth, TX
Feet are uniquely built to be the basis of our ability to do everything while standing up, and the biomechanics behind how they work are pretty spectacular. Each foot has one less bone than our hands (26), including the calcaneus (heel), metatarsals, tarsals, and phalanges that work with our joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles to allow them flexibility, balance, and stability.
And the complexity of all of these bones and tissues working together comes into play every time we take a step, with the heel hitting the ground first and the rest of the foot rolling forward in a normal, healthy gait.
Since we rely so heavily on our feet for almost everything we do while we’re out and about, there are many problems that can affect them. Orthotics are a way to help support and ease the pain associated with those problems. Let’s explore these shoe inserts by looking at how they work, who can benefit from them, and how they’re made.
If you live in the Fort Worth or Weatherford, Texas, area and you’re looking for help with support for foot problems, Drs. Gary Driver, Glen Beede, Gregory Jaryga, and their dedicated team at Trinity Foot & Ankle Specialists can help.
This is the term for devices that are used to manage functional, alignment, and support problems with your legs, back, and feet. There are basic types of orthotics that you can buy in most stores, but those are not able to address individual needs or handle specific types of foot conditions. Orthotics that are custom-made for your foot can help manage problems with foot and ankle function, deal with foot deformities, and prevent further problems with these issues.
Foot orthotics are a great option for people with many types of foot conditions, including:
This helpful foot support can be made from materials such as gels, foam, or plastic. To create them, we use a 3D laser scanner to get the most accurate details about your foot and address your unique foot issues. This allows us to get an impression of your foot without making a plaster cast mold, and that information is sent off to have the orthotic made.
We can use this method to provide you with functional orthotics that help correct abnormal mechanics in your feet or accommodative orthotics that aid you with cushion and support. Both will help relieve stress and pain on your feet and offer more stability and function.
Foot problems are common for millions, and orthotics are just one way we can help you with yours. If you’re struggling with foot conditions and need orthotics to help, make an appointment with Drs. Driver, Beede, Jaryga, and the team at Trinity Foot & Ankle Specialists today.