Foot & Ankle Surgery located in Fort Worth, TX
Bunions can be caused by an inherited insufficient mechanical structure. The bunion is not necessarily inherited but certain foot types can cause patients to develop a bunion.
Shoes that wedge/crowd the toes make the deformity progressively worse.
Symptoms typically occur when patients are on their feet for extended periods of time and also when wearing shoes that wedge/crowd the toes (i.e. shoes with a small toe box, high heels). Women typically have more symptoms than men.
Bunions are usually apparent due to the visible prominence and at times smaller digit contractures (hammertoe). The surgeon will assess range of motion of the condition as well as gently press on areas of the forefoot to determine any discomfort.
X-rays are usually ordered to determine the degree of the deformity and assess the changes that have occurred.
Due to the progressive (worsening) nature bunions do not go away and will continue to get worse over time. Despite the progressive nature some bunions are worse than others additionally some bunions never cause symptoms and/or discomfort. Thus, there is a variable degree of the symptoms as well as the pathology.
The goal of the surgeon is to create a treatment plan that is specific to the patients needs.
Treatment approaches for bunions are based on how long the pathology has been present, the severity of the symptoms, the laxity of the adjacent joints, and the amount of damage to the big toe joint. Conservative treatment options are aimed at easing the pain of bunions, but again bunions are progressive and the treatment will not reverse the deformity.
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